Driver Dashboard

Driver Dashboard


Clear for first time drivers
Most first time users couldn’t get the idea of the original driver dashboard. After redesign, first time users could quickly get the basic idea of the dashboard.

I enhanced the task success rate from 5% to 85% and reduced errors made by drivers from 45% to 10% after redesigning the dashboard.

Efficient for engineer team
The clear notification interface that I redesign helps engineers fix issues quickly.


The teleoperation system is important to complement autonomy while the technology is maturing.

The driver dashboard is part of a teleoperation system that allows engineers and drivers to track real-time data, report issues, emergency remote control and fix errors for additional safety. Loading and unloading operations are remotely controlled for assistance and troubleshooting.

The Problem

  • The current interface is not clear for driver/first time users to use.
  • The current website interface is not the right format for the monitor in the vehicle.
  • It’s hard to demonstrate the concept to investors.
  • Engineers need more features in the dashboard but they are not sure where is the best place to add them.

The Goal

  • To create an easy and simple interface for the driver and first time user to understand how to override state, solve simple problems such as opening the door manually and report technical issues to the engineers through the monitor in the vehicle.
  • Engineers can better control the panel and debug the issues in real time.
  • To have a clear and simple dashboard that helps investors get the idea of the product immediately.

Analyze Original Dashboard


  • The meaning of each button.
  • The meaning of each content.
  • The action after the button is clicked.
  • Can the action be undone?
  • Is it necessary for the design elements to be there?
  • What’s the goal of each task flow?

Observe From Analysis


  • Know delivery and trip status.
  • Show vehicle state and fulfillment state clearly.
  • Can manually open front and back door.
  • Aware of open/close status and can manually open in case of errors
  • Check cloud log.
  • Big map for tracking the location of the vehicle.
  • Have the option to override the state and open a specific compartment.
  • The choice to manually control and open the compartment of the vehicle specifically.


  • The text and buttons are hard to read.
  • Lack of visual element hierarchy.
  • Hard to navigate the features.
  • Not aesthetic.
  • No clear instruction and task flow.
  • Not mobile friendly, desktop only.

Inspiration Analysis

Learnings From Inspiration

  • Most of the navigation bar UI is on the left or bottom.
  • The button and text should be bigger enough for the user to click.
  • Square UI design help separate different sections.
  • Icons and images are more helpful for instant recognition than text.
  • Highlight important information with color.



Final Design​

Easy To Check All Delivery In Ready State

The clicking button on the right bottom allows it to open the door and check the delivery before starting to deliver.

Indicate Location and Time When Driving In Transit State

If the vehicle is in transit, it cannot be opened, but it will show the delivery details, location and estimated time.

Manual Open Option To Prevent Auto Open Fail

The button next to the vehicle image allows the driver/engineer to manually open the compartment. It can prevent auto-opening failure when the vehicle arrives at the destination.

Big Map View For Track Delivery Location

The map page shows a big map and presents the vehicle’s location to help users track easily.

Re-Load delivery For Emergency Situation

Users can use this manual control page to select a specific compartment space to reload or remove delivery. It helps solve the sudden change in the delivery situation.

Notification For Users To Debug Immediately

The notification can report engineers any error instantly and help them solve the problems quickly.